piątek, 8 czerwca 2012

Recipe for today.......american pancakes !

Ingredients :

Dry ingredients :
-wheat flour ( 180 grams )
-two teaspoons of baking powder
-two teaspoons of white sugar ( 30 grams )
-pinch of salt

Wet ingredients :
-200 ml of milk
-30 gram of melted butter
-2 eggs

+ 2 medium bowls
+ glass
+ teaspoon
+  pan

Recipe :

1. In first bowl , mix dry ingredients . 
2. In second bowl , mix wet ingredients . 
( Attention : Don't mix a long . Only to connect ingredients. Otherwise they will be hard )
3. Pancakes fry on the frying pan with a small amount of butter on the medium fire from two sides . 
4. Put two spoonfuls dough on a pancake on the frying pan .
5. Only when the batter in advance there will be "bubbles" reverse cookie.
6.When pancakes will be fried on the golden-brown colour take them from the pan .
7. Serve them with maple syrup or jam .

                                                                  Enjoy your meal !



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